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  • Kim Maniaci

Stolen identity

Last Thursday morning, I had two people reach out to me via text, that they were praying for me. And I know that I was grateful, but also there was a part of me that wondered what was up - had I acted in some way that people felt I needed to be prayed for or were they just simply being obedient to what God had asked them to do. I went on with my day, lined with several appointments, and while I was with a couple of friends during one period earlier in the day, I remarked, "It was so sweet, two separate people reached out to me today to tell me they were praying for me" and in my best to always try and get a laugh, story telling manner, I continued by saying "I hope nothing bad is going to happen today!"

As I went about my schedule of events, I made an unplanned stop at our local bank, where I was just there to sign a check for someone else to cash, and I was minding my own business. Then a bank employee, whose first name I didn't know but I did recognize, came over to me somewhat hesitantly and shared that my husband had called the previous day to get a balance and because of some security questions she had asked him, that he failed to answer correctly, she was unable to give him the balance, but she did say he had my husbands social security number. She went on to tell me that he had gotten quite irate and she was sorry she had made him mad, but was simply following bank protocol. Being a former bank employee, I completely understood how she felt and I thanked her for doing her job so well, I also went on to explain to her that my husband never would have called, that banking was my arena in our marriage. She then showed me their caller id on the bank phones, and this person had called from my phone number. At this point, my mind started to spin for a second, but there was such peace! I reviewed where we had been the previous day, at the time of the call and that he and I had not been together and that there was no way he would have had access to my phone, nor anyone else. It was then that I learned about "spoofing" - a word and supposedly a hobby, that moments before I had been unfamiliar with.

Now it became clear that our identity had been stolen - and even with that reality, standing in the lobby of the bank and then sitting in the managers office, there was still such peace! The peace that passes all understanding! We went onto talk about some different scenarios that could have occurred and placed some safeguards on our accounts. John and I also spent the better part of 3 hours that afternoon (not on either of our original schedules for Thursday), securing the rest of our credit and identity - and by God's grace, nothing else has been touched as of now, and don't know how it could be going forward. But have I mentioned what Peace there has been through this time - nothing but God!!

And although our identity here on earth had been compromised, it drove home the reality to both of us, that our identity in Christ Jesus will NEVER be compromised. That once we make the most important decision of our lives, to place our faith in Christ Jesus and choose to act on Romans 10:9 "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" our identity is forever secure!

Today is the 6 year mark, since our little man made that eternal decision and I remember it like it was yesterday, and also the day I accepted Christ, just thinking about it brings back a very vivid picture in my mind of where I was! Do you remember the moment you accepted Christ? There is a moment in your life, and you may not remember the day or the time, but you KNOW that that moment occurred - your identity is secure. If you cannot recall that moment, let me encourage you to make that step right now!!!

Satan wants nothing more than to steal our identity to tell us lies of who we aren't, to tell us we aren't good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, rich enough, that we aren't loved, cared for, accepted, redeemed - because He knows that when we believe who we are in Christ, our secured identity, and that we believe the promises that God has for us, his plan to steal, kill and destroy is thwarted.

The world wants us to conform to what is the latest trend, to identify ourselves with this fad or that, to find our security in that which will not last. The Truth says "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20

There was a time in my life, when this threat to our identity here on earth would have consumed my every thought and action, I would have chosen to live as a defeated victim and begged for attention in self destroying ways, but God! Because of what He did for me on the cross and the people that He has surrounded me with to remind me how much He loves me and nothing on earth will ever take that away from me, I can now choose to pray for the predators, that they may encounter the One that gave His life for them! That they will use the creative mind that God gave them, that is currently being used for satan's side and be turned around to be used for eternal purposes!

Recently, I read in a study that I am doing, that we are "spiritual beings having a temporary physical experience on earth, rather than a physical being having a temporary spiritual experience" - what eye opening revelation that was to me and to secure where my identity lies!!

And as our tag line for Walk of Faith House says - "rescuing lives, reclaiming identity" - it doesn't matter what the vice is that has stolen our identity from who we are in Christ - He is the ONLY answer!

You are more than enough!

You are accepted!

You are worthy!

You are redeemed!

You are a son or daughter of the King!

You are a heir to His kingdom!

You are called and equipped to do what only you can do for the Kingdom!

You are invited!

You are LOVED!

Today I am thankful for a loving Father who protects us on every side, for praying, obedient, life-giving friends, for a secure identity in Christ Jesus! Live today as if there is nothing to lose but everything to gain!!!

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